It Takes A Village!

Valor Villages

Empowering Tomorrow Today!

Our Story

Valor Villages, and Kingdom Care & Community Services program targets St. Louis homeless, the underserved, those who need medical care but have no care providers nor can afford it, seniors who are struggling to find a home or medical, Veterans, the community needing social time that is a safe environment that is secure where they can relax and gather again, homeless that have a place to receive medical attention that can potentially properly diagnosis and receive the medical attention they lost hope of ever getting, as a service emphasis.
Alone we can do so little.
Together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

Supporting America's Veterans Health & Economic Wellbeing

There are approximately 20 million veterans in the United States.

Valor Villages is committed to help tackle food insecurity and homelessness among veterans by working collaboratively with other agencies and organizations to connect veterans with existing resources – connecting more veterans with resources for training and employment. 

This reflects our mission to to improve the health, well-being, and quality of life for military and veteran populations exposed to trauma, as well as their families.

How We Help

Helping To Reduce Veterans' Homelessness. Connecting Them With Training & Employment Opportunities. Gathering And Distribution Food To Combat Hunger.
A Veteran Man Walking


Our Mission is to help restore the dignity, honor and respect of the community for veterans by helping them


Valor Villages, and Kingdom Care & Community Services program targets St. Louis homeless, the underserved,

Job Training

Job training equips people with the skills they need to become economically productive and better their lives.

Mental Health

Mental health is critical to the wellbeing of individuals, families and the community to be productive and

2nd Annual 'Love Our Veterans' Celebration

We are FINALLY announcing this to the public!
This Wednesday at 11am we are dedicating a building we are rehabbing that will house 97 underserved Veterans.
We have a Veteran onsite to help assist our Veterans on their move in as the beds become completed. Many companies and individuals coming together to bring this to life!!

Our dedication ceremony will start at 11am on site at:
5705 S Broadway, St. Louis, MO. Then we will move to 5401 South Kingshighway Blvd for the LOVE Our Veterans event from 12 Non until 3pm (CST)
We WELCOME ALL VETERAN to Come join us!
Permission to MESSAGE me if you have questions !

Valor Villages - South Broadway Building

1st Launch! – 97 Beds Veterans Housing

5705 South Broadway –
Saint Louis, MO 63111
February 14th “Valentine’s Day

Veterans can take this opportunity to GET HELP and ask questions. Many have “Given Up” on the process of filing for benefits or just don’t know how to file.

Long waiting, mis-information, several reasons they just GIVE UP!

We hold this event so they may come see if they qualify for VA Benefits, get medical assistance, go for job training, just get together with other Veterans, and even possibly HOUSING. (Read More)

What's Happening At Valor Villages?

Life at Valor Village is bursting with activities every day. Stay in the know with life at Valor Villages. Find your spot to shine and touch lives in our cities.

January Winter Temporary Shelter

During the recent cold winter freezing temperatures last month, we are glad and grateful that we were able to offer a temporary shelter to the un-housed community in our City. Seventy-two (72) un-housed people, including single mothers, veterans, single men and one couple were sheltered and fed for 11 days. (Read More)

Valor Villages - Feeding The Hungry

Fighting Hunger In St. Louis City

Valor Villages works with the community to provide about 1,400 meals to different groups around the city every week.

We work together with various groups (It Takes A Village) to achieve this goal.

Every Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday, different groups (Read More)

Your Support Will Transform Lives

Lending a hand to Valor Villages directly impacts the lives of those we serve, and indirectly positively impacts our communities as well. It takes a village. We need your help.

Valor Villages is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All gifts made to Valor Villages are tax-deductible to their full limits. Valor Villages’ tax-exempt ID is 93-2266407.